About Me

Muhammed Roshan
2 min readFeb 28, 2021


Hi everyone, I am Muhammed Roshan, a final year electrical engineering undergrad at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Mandi. I am from a small village situated in the Malabar region of Kerala. I consider myself a creative and adventurous person who loves to travel and spends a lot of time watching and analyzing visual media. I like to read as well but most of my book collection is made of physics and detective novels.

I am writing this blog as part of one of my courses at IIT Mandi ( Science writing ). When I was a kid, I wanted to be a physicist. But I shifted my focus towards engineering after hearing people say that it’s a more practical career choice in India. Now I realise that this is the result of an unnecessary hype there is towards engineering in India because many of us are either unaware of the breakthroughs happening in science and how it would change humanity. I wish to do my part in changing this mindset through online media and possibly write a book on it in the future. But I have no previous experience in writing. And I believe this course will be a perfect starting point for me to learn how to write scientific articles that will encourage students and parents to swim against the current.

This will be the first of many blogs that I am going to write as part of this course and by the end of it, I hope that I will be done with the groundwork required to write science blogs and books in the future.



Muhammed Roshan

Throwing kindness around like confetti.